Why Don’t We Hear About Male Victims of Crime?
Dear Healthy Men: You talk about a lot of health issues where men’s concerns are overlooked or ignored. But what about crime? We all know that men commit the majority of crimes and we often hear about female victims of crime. But why don’t we hear about male victims?...
Why Are We Ignoring Homeless Men?
Dear Healthy Men: I see a lot of media coverage of homeless women (and, as we get closer to the end of the year, I receive a lot of solicitations from shelters for homeless women). But as I walk through our downtown area, it seems that most of the people panhandling...
Casualties in the War on COVID
Dear Healthy Men: You’ve written several columns about the effect that COVID-19 has had on men. What about women? I’ve read recently, for example, that women are being affected disproportionately in the war on COVID because most of the jobs that have been lost were...
Why We Need an Office of Men’s Health—Now!
Dear Healthy Men: More than a year ago, I read a column of yours that mentioned that while there are several Offices of Women’s Health in the federal government, there isn’t a corresponding Office of Men’s Health. Is that still true? And if not, why not? A: The answer...
Maternity Leave: Great Idea, but What About Dad?
Dear Healthy Men: I just read that the United States is one of the only industrialized countries in the world without a paid maternity leave program. Where do you stand on that issue? A: We support it—and we’re glad to see that President Joe Biden and others in his...
Communication is Key—Especially the Listening Part
Dear Healthy Men: I’m always trying to talk with my husband about health, parenting, our relationship, and other things. But we never seem to be able to have a decent conversation. Why is it that so many men aren’t able to communicate their feelings? A: While I’d love...
National Minority Health Month: Fighting for Health Equity Year ‘Round
April is National Minority Health Month, making it the perfect time to focus on the often-significant disparities in health and wellbeing that affect racial and ethnic minorities across our country. But it’s important to remember that these inequities exist every...
It’s Not Easy Being Big: Overweight Men Suffer Discrimination at the Mall and At Work
Dear Healthy Men: A few weeks ago, you did a column on how short men face discrimination when compared to taller men. I’m wondering whether the same kind of thing applies to men who are overweight or obese. A: Although we all know that we’re not supposed to judge...
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