Grooming “Down There:” Fashion Trend or Health Hazard?
Women have been trimming (or removing outright) their pubic hair for thousands of years. Men generally enjoy the results (in a recent study by askmen.com, 41% of men said they prefer women with no pubic hair at all, while 38% said they prefer a nice trim), but they’ve...
Voicing Your Preferences for a Mate—and More
Dear Health Men: You’ve talked about how a man’s height and weight affect how he’s treated, perceived, and how much money he makes. What about the pitch of his voice? A: As superficial as it is, voice pitch makes a big difference, largely because we associate it with...
The Long and the Short of It (No, Not That…)
Dear Healthy Men: I’m only 5’7” and over my whole adult life, I feel that it’s been harder for me to date than for my friends who are taller than I am. And lately I’ve started to wonder whether there are any other issues, health included, that might affect short men...
Eating Disorders. Yeah, Sometimes It’s a Guy Thing.
Dear Healthy Men: Settle a bet. My buddy says men and boys sometimes get eating disorders. I say only females can. Who’s right? A: Sadly, your buddy is, but you’re far from alone. In fact, I think most believe that women and girls are the only ones affected by eating...
Beards: The Secret to Success or the Kiss of Death?
Dear Healthy Men: Do women really find men with beards more attractive than clean-shaven guys? A: According to the old story, in 1860, Abraham Lincoln grew a beard in response to a suggestion from an 11-year-old girl who said it would make him a more attractive...
When It Comes to Stereotypes, Words Matter. A Lot.
A few days ago, I heard a young father telling his son—who was probably around 10 or 11—to “man up.” I started thinking about that phrase and wondered about all the gender stereotyping we do without even realizing it. Are expressions like “man up” harmless parts of or...
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