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Healthy Men Today | Improving Health and Wellbeing for Men, Boys, and Families
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Voicing Your Preferences for a Mate—and More

Voicing Your Preferences for a Mate—and More

Dear Health Men: You’ve talked about how a man’s height and weight affect how he’s treated, perceived, and how much money he makes. What about the pitch of his voice? A: As superficial as it is, voice pitch makes a big difference, largely because we associate it with...

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With ED Drugs, Too Much of a Good Thing is a Real Possibility

With ED Drugs, Too Much of a Good Thing is a Real Possibility

Dear Healthy Men: Is there any danger to taking Viagra if I don’t have problems getting an erection? Yes there is. Like it or not, the ability to produce a firm erection on demand is a pretty important component of men’s identity—both to us and to our sexual partners....

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COVID Affects Everything—Even Your Sex Life

COVID Affects Everything—Even Your Sex Life

Dear Healthy Men: I had a nasty case of COVID-19 several months ago. It’s taken a while, but I’m fully recovered—except for one thing: I’ve been having trouble getting and keeping an erection. I know that most men have erection troubles at some point, but I never have...

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Colon Cancer: A Growing Risk for Young Men

Colon Cancer: A Growing Risk for Young Men

Dear Healthy Men: When Chadwick Boseman died of colon cancer a few months ago, I was surprised that he was so young—I always thought it was an old-person’s disease. What are the risk factors for younger people, especially men? A: You’re absolutely right. Boseman was...

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What Women Need to Know About Men’s Health

What Women Need to Know About Men’s Health

Dear Healthy Men: As a wife, daughter, sister, and mother of two boys, I’m surrounded by men. What do I need to know about men’s health? A: I’ve always maintained that men’s health is a women’s issue, since when men are healthier, their partners become healthier too...

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Improving Health and Wellbeing for Men, Boys, and Families

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Men and women express their emotions very differently, but too many mental health professionals don’t recognize the symptoms men and boys have. As a result, while more women are diagnosed with anxiety and depression, four times more men than women commit suicide. In this important free book, we discuss stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues as they are experienced by men and boys. This book could save your life—or that of a loved one.

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